My thoughts on life... husband, dogs, people, work, travel

Saturday 19 March 2011

Where do you find time to blog?

I thought this blogging caper would be easy. I mean I can talk the hind leg of a table!! Really ! I used to have a nickname of Marbles (Talk underwater with a mouth full of marbles), so I thought that keeping a blog would be easy as I have so much to say.

Well was I wrong! Just finding the time to sit at the computer and do this is a lot harder than I thought. My job is very time consuming - who hasn't got a job that takes up too  much time? So when I am on the computer it is usually work related. I am trying a new trick - leave the computer at work and have a break at home. Great in theory but, now I don't have a computer at home to try and blog with. Oh what ramblings *S*.

So have I any thoughts of the week to share? Not really. My husbands fine, my dogs are reasonably well and still very adorable. My black cat Alberto is continuously meowing at me to come to bed as she loves to snuggle.

At the moment my me time is driving to and from work. In the morning I pick up a latte and do the 30 minute drive listening to a great novel that I have downloaded. I love this time - the cool mornings, sun rising up -  (Come on daylight savings, please finish NOW). On the way home, listening to a continuation of the novel, with fruit snack.

How does everyone else fit in time to read or garden, or whatever when work becomes so time consuming? This is my question of the fortnight.

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