My thoughts on life... husband, dogs, people, work, travel

Friday 3 June 2011

I love Friday's

Today is Friday, my favourite day of the week. Not because its POETS day, but because its the best day of the week. It's my day. Everything seems to sort itself out on a Friday.

For example Gremlins have been in my computer and getting into Blogger  (as well as anything that needed a password) was impossible. But today, finally I have been allowed access to my dashboard. Champagne please!!

Some would say that it was fate as I should be writing school reports, not trying to write a blog entry, or reading other people's blogs, and I so love reading everyone else's blogs.

The second thing that happened on this great Friday was that my lost wedding ring turned up. :) I found it in my classroom in the bottom of my computer bag. My class was as excited as I was - sort of wrecked the lesson, but the joy of having my wedding ring found was aaaaaaaaaamazing. So now I have 2 rings and I will wear them together.

Report writing has started, and today (Friday) I have written 8. Not a bad effort - not my best record, but I am happy. I always have too much to say and cutting back the information is hard.

Friday night - home with my husband. A lovely dinner. A cold night. No work - catch up with whatever - tv, a good book, blogs, music, and of course pets. My dogs love Friday too - its bone day. They just know I will come home with the huge marrow bones. They love me for it.

What I really, really love on Friday is that at 3.15 the kids go home, and most of the staff go home and I am on my own. Its a great time to reflect upon my week - my successes and failures and areas to work on, kids successes, catching up on my school diary, and planning for next week. Searching and researching for interesting things to do. The cleaners have yet to arrive so there is still a scent whiff of runners, erasers (mind you I still call them rubbers), and bits of paper and pencil shavings. I love this time..reflecting on how far they have all come, how I have changed over the years, thinking about previous kids.

Every Friday in my classroom I reaffirm that I love teaching and want to continue.

Hope your Friday's are as good as mine.


PS I've got Friday on my mind!!

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